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Showing posts with label Perbincangan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perbincangan. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Aircond dan Orang Baru di Taska

Pada 3 Oktober 2011 , Taska dan Cik D menerima orang baru....orang baru yg cik d maksudkan ialah pembantu kepada cik d....Pembantu cik d namanya Nurshafinas dan cik d gelarkan beliau di taska dengan pangilan mama inas....Mama inas juga membawa anaknya di Taska...Qaseh Zulaikha...so sekarang bilik baby ada 8 orang , 2 dewasa dan 6 babies...dan ia membawa kepada haba yg tersangatlah tinggi....dan bilik baby tersangat laa panas pada tengah hari....hanya Allah jer yg tau bertapa panasnya bilik baby....so cik d decide nak pasang aircond....so alhaamdulillah juga berkat doa dan kesabaran cik d Allah mempermudahkan urusan cik d dengan bantuan mama piya.....to mama piya (ziadora) thanks for your support....takkkan dilupakan dan sangat2 dihargai....semoga Allah memberi rezeki yg melimpah ruah tuk mama piya sekeluarga....amin ;)

Inilah Mama Inas
Qaseh Zulaikha....Selamat Datang Sayang....

Bercerita pasal aircond....ari selasa mlm cik d terus survey2 aircond utk bilik baby...dengan bajet yg ade mula2 cik d decide nak cari yg bwh rm1k...tapi bile dah sampai kedai aircond tiba2 cik d terjatuh cinta dengan aircond jenama SAMSUNG ASV09ESLN...kenapa cik d terjatuh cinta dengan aircond ni...jom baca kat bawah ni...cik d share skit pasal aircond ni...

Samsung Crystal Inverter air conditioner dazzles with its high glossy panel. What's more you can enjoy, refreshing clean air with its strong power and purifying function. Now, you can have high performance and energy savings without sacrificing beauty.
Turns your home into an Intensely Purified Zone.

Turns your home into an Intensely Purified Zone. (the most why i choose this brand)

Talk about a breath of fresh air. Samsung's Micro Plasma Ion system dramatically improves indoor air quality so your every breath is a pure, healthy one. It eliminates invisible, health-threatening biological contaminants such as viruses, bacteria and allergy-causing agents, protecting you from disease and everyday illnesses.(yes...most IMPORTANT for babies...sebersih mana pon kita tetapi benda2 sebesar zahrah ni mmg x dpt nk dielakkan)  Purifying over 19.16m3 of space, the MPI system not only blows a lot of fresh air into a home, it blows away the competition.
Wake up in a good mood with Good Sleep.

Wake up in a good mood with Good Sleep.

Missing out on a good night’s sleep can mean bad news for your day. That’s why Samsung’s Good Sleep feature creates an ideally comfortable climate in your bedroom. With a precise temperature control system and automatic moisture adjustment, all three vital stages of your sleep is protected from humidity and heat so you wake up fully refreshed and ready to take on a new day. Good Sleep not only saves you precious minutes and hours of potentially lost sleep, it also saves up to 36% in energy consumption compared to the normal cooling mode.
Complete comfort. Total efficiency.

Complete comfort. Total efficiency.

Samsung’s S-Inverter not only reaches your desired temperature quickly, it maintains it without all the inefficient on-and-off required by most ACs. With S-Inverter, you don’t have to shut the power off to conserve energy and keep your bill down. The AC automatically changes its operation mode to economic, saving up to 50% in energy consumption compared with a non-inverter AC, while still delivering ultimate comfort at your exact desired temperature. And, it doesn’t only require less energy, it produces less vibration, so your environment is as peaceful as it is comfortable.
A silver coated solution.

A silver coated solution.

A good air conditioner shouldn’t just cool you down; it should also circulate clean, fresh air. Samsung Air Conditioners feature an Anti-Virus filter and an evaporator with a silver finish. 1.6 times stronger than your typical pre-filter, this super fine silver filter, made with thin filaments 1/3 the width of a human hair, is designed to eliminate microscopic dust particles, fungi and unpleasant odors. So now you can cool off and relax with clean and cool air.

Bright light. Deep breath.

 Bright light. Deep breath.
Don’t hold your breath till you turn blue. Samsung’s Blue LED Lamp lets you breathe easy knowing that your AC is pumping out clean, healthy air. As soon as MPI function’s switched on, your Samsung air conditioner begins the air purification process so you’re always taking breathing the freshest air. And the Blue LED indicator gives you total peace of mind as it shines its approval of the pristine air quality of your home.

Slim design. Powerful output.

 Slim design. Powerful output.
Design should never be an afterthought. Samsung’s new slim, sleek ACs are 12% smaller and 20% lighter but perform as powerfully as their larger counterparts. An exclusive slim design not only ensures that they are lightweight, easy-to-install and space-saving, but makes them a sophisticated aesthetic presence in your home as well.

Easy to use. Easy to master.

 Easy to use. Easy to master.
Samsung’s ergonomic, innovative remote control was designed for everyone, whether you’re in the first grade or celebrating your 81st birthday. With bigger numbers, soft-touch buttons, an easy-view display and a comfy grip, you’re always in control. And its circular navigation keypad truly brings power to the people.

A cool way to keep your air clean.

 A cool way to keep your air clean.
You might not know it, but an air conditioner can produce mold and spread germs. That’s because the difference between internal and external air temperatures causes moisture to form inside the unit—and moisture equals bacteria. Our solution? Samsung air conditioners feature auto cleaning, which automatically runs the fan even after you turn it off, keeping everything dry and odor-free while preventing germs from spreading.

Jadi inilah sebab2 kenapa cik d memilih aircond yang ini..dan pikir punya pikir....xperlah bajet besar skit tp tuk tahan lama kan...Alhamdulillah semoga anak2 cik d selesa dengan kemudahan baru yg ada ni....insyaAllah.... ;)

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Jom Terapkan 4KIB (4K 1B) Dalam Diri Pengasuh dan Ibubapa

Formula 4KIB saya ilhamkan sendiri...untuk ibubapa anak2 asuh saya dan juga saya sendiri...

  • Kejujuran – setiap kejadian yang berlaku baik di rumah mahu pun di taska, saling memberitahu dan bukan mendiamkan diri dan juga bukan saling salah menyalahkan. Jika masing-masing bersikap saling menyalahkan, bayi anda akan menjadi mangsa keadaan dan ini menyebabkan perkembangan bayi yang kurang sihat. Adalah lebih baik jika kedua-dua belah pihak BERBINCANG dengan aman dan mencari jalan penyelesaian. Contoh : Bayi anda jatuh dan sebagainya.
  • Kepercayaan – saling percaya mempercayai. Sebagai ibubapa anda haruslah percaya dan yakin bahawa bayi anda yang berada di dalam jagaan pengasuh dalam keadaan selamat. Pengasuh pula WAJIB AMANAH akan kepercayaan yang diberikan ibubapa.
  • Komunikasi – ini sangat PENTING kerana akan mewujudkan keseimbangan asuhan antara ibubapa dan pengasuh.
  • Kekeluargaan – ibubapa perlu mengganggap pengasuh bayi anda merupakan AHLI KELUARGA anda dimana ia akan mewujudkan prinsip hormat menghormati dan bukanlah mengganggap pengasuh sebagai ‘bibik’ atau ‘pembantu’. Pengasuh juga perlu mengganggap bayi yang diasuh sebagai ANAK SENDIRI agar dapat mewujudkan asuhan yang berkualiti.    
  • Bertolak-ansur – sikap ini telah terbukti akan mewujudkan KEHARMONIAN dalam hubungan ukhwah antara pengasuh dan ibubapa. 
Jika ada sebarang komen, saya berharap semua dpt memberikan komen yg beretika...

P/S : Apa kata ibubapa mengenai 4KIB ???